At last 是“最后”的意思吗?大部分人都搞不清楚这几个词的区别!

提示您,本文原题为 -- At last 是“最后”的意思吗?大部分人都搞不清楚这几个词的区别!

AT LAST, FINALLY and IN THE END all have the meaning of "after a period of time". However, they re used in different ways.

AT LAST, FINALLY 和 IN THE END都有“经过一段时间”的意思 , 但是他们的用法却不相同 。

1) AT LAST 终于

AT LAST is used when there has been impatience, a discomfort or a feeling which was the result of long delays.

AT LAST使用时包含了由于长时间的耽搁而产生的不耐烦、不安等情绪的情况 。

Its normal position is at the beginning of the clause, or at the end of it, or between the auxiliary and the past participle.

它常位于从句的开头或结尾 , 或者在助动词和过去分词之间 。


After a two-hour delay, Tom s plane has landed at last.

经过两个小时的延误 , 汤姆的飞机终于着陆了 。

When he arrived at last, I was so angry that I refused to talk to him.

当他终于到达时 , 我非常生气 , 拒绝和他说话 。

At last 是“最后”的意思吗?大部分人都搞不清楚这几个词的区别!

At last 是“最后”的意思吗?大部分人都搞不清楚这几个词的区别!// //


FINALLY = LASTLY refers to an action that someone has been waiting for a long time and that was difficult to realize.

FINALLY 和LASTLY一样 , 指某人等了很久却难以实现的行动 。

Most of the time the adverb is placed between the subject and the main verb, or between the modal or the first auxiliary and the main verb, and after the verb TO BE when it is the main verb.

大多数情况下 , 这个副词是位于主语和实意动词之间的 , 或者在情态动词或助动词和实意动词之间;当BE动词是实意动词时 , 在BE动词之后 。

It can also introduce the last element in a series.

它还可以在介绍系列中的最后一个元素时使用 。


Our economy must increase productivity, reduce unemployment and finally develop competition.

我们的经济必须提高生产力 , 减少失业 , 最终发展竞争

At last 是“最后”的意思吗?大部分人都搞不清楚这几个词的区别!

At last 是“最后”的意思吗?大部分人都搞不清楚这几个词的区别!// //

Some people suggest that some satisfaction, some relief are felt when AT LAST is used, whereas FINALLY could be used either for positive or negative results.

有些人表示 , 在使用at last时 , 其中带有一种得到满足 , 如释重负的正面情感 , 而finally则在正面或负面情绪时都可以使用 。

LASTLY refers to an element that comes at the end of a long list.

LASTLY指一系列的最后一个 。


We must buy flour, chocolate, butter, eggs and finally/ lastly some baking powder to make a cake for Kym s birthday.

我们必须买面粉 , 巧克力 , 黄油 , 鸡蛋 , 最后一些泡打粉为金姆的生日做一个蛋糕 。

At last 是“最后”的意思吗?大部分人都搞不清楚这几个词的区别!

At last 是“最后”的意思吗?大部分人都搞不清楚这几个词的区别!// //


IN THE END suggests a conclusion after a long process, a lot of suggestions and changes or some uncertainty.

IN THE END表示经过一段过程 , 很多建议或变数 , 不确定性之后得出结论 。


Each of us suggested a different plan for our holiday, but in the end we went to the South of France as usual.

我们每个人都提出了不同的度假计划 , 但最后我们还是像往常一样去了法国南部 。


AT THE END refers to a position at the end of something.

AT THE END指的是某件事情的结尾 。


Put a full stop at the end of your sentence.

在你的句子末尾加一个句号 。

At last 是“最后”的意思吗?大部分人都搞不清楚这几个词的区别!

At last 是“最后”的意思吗?大部分人都搞不清楚这几个词的区别!// //

BY THE END, means there s a limit= at some point before the end.

BY THE END , 意思是有一个极限=在到达最终点之前的点


Don t worry! She'll be here by the end of the morning.

别担心!她会在天亮之前到这儿的 。