
提示您,本文原题为 -- 永乐款釉里红缠枝花卉纹玉壶春瓶、乾隆款粉青釉浅浮雕描金双耳蒜头瓶赏析!


永乐款釉里红缠枝花卉纹玉壶春瓶、乾隆款粉青釉浅浮雕描金双耳蒜头瓶赏析!// //

规格:高34CM , 腹径20CM,底足10CM , 口径4CM

粉青是一种釉色 , 青釉的品种之一 。 以铁为主要着色元素 , 施釉较厚 , 釉色青绿之中显粉白 , 有如青玉 , 故名 。

Pink green is a glaze color, one of the varieties of green glaze. With iron as the main coloring element, the glaze is thick, and the glaze color is bluish green with white powder, like sapphire, hence the name.


永乐款釉里红缠枝花卉纹玉壶春瓶、乾隆款粉青釉浅浮雕描金双耳蒜头瓶赏析!// //

规格:高34CM , 腹径20CM,底足10CM , 口径4CM

粉青为石灰碱釉的一种 。 它以铁的氧化物为主要呈色剂 , 还有少量的锰或钛 , 粉青釉为生坯挂胎 , 胎中带灰 , 入窑经过1180--1230摄氏度高温还原焰烧制而成 。 由于石灰碱釉高温下粘度较大 , 即高温下不易流釉 , 因此釉层可施得厚 , 使器物的釉色通过适当的温度和还原气氛达到柔和淡雅的玉质感 。 粉青釉的釉层中含有大量的小气泡和未熔石英颗粒 , 它们使进入釉层的光线发生强烈散射 , 从而在外观上形成一种和普通玻璃釉完全不一样的艺术效果 。

Powder green is one kind of lime alkali glaze. It uses iron oxide as the main coloring agent, and a small amount of manganese or titanium. It is made by hanging green glaze as a green body with ash in the body and firing it in a kiln through high temperature reducing flame at 1180-1230℃. Because lime-alkali glaze has high viscosity at high temperature, i.e. it is not easy to flow glaze at high temperature, the glaze layer can be applied thick, so that the glaze color of implements can reach soft and elegant jade texture through appropriate temperature and reducing atmosphere. The glaze layer of powder green glaze contains a large number of small bubbles and unmelted Shi Ying particles, which strongly scatter the light entering the glaze layer, thus forming an artistic effect completely different from ordinary glass glaze in appearance.


永乐款釉里红缠枝花卉纹玉壶春瓶、乾隆款粉青釉浅浮雕描金双耳蒜头瓶赏析!// //

规格:高34CM , 腹径20CM,底足10CM , 口径4CM

粉青釉 , 釉色青绿淡雅 , 釉面光泽柔和 , 润泽色质犹如玉器 , 是青釉中的最佳色调之一 。

Pink green glaze is one of the best shades in green glaze, with light and elegant glaze color, soft glaze luster and moist color like jade.


永乐款釉里红缠枝花卉纹玉壶春瓶、乾隆款粉青釉浅浮雕描金双耳蒜头瓶赏析!// //

规格:高34CM , 腹径20CM,底足10CM , 口径4CM

蒜头瓶——明清时期景德镇窑常见的一种瓶式之一 , 仿自汉代青铜蒜头壶 , 长颈 , 削肩 , 圆腹 , 圈足 , 瓶口似蒜头而得名 。 状如蒜头而颈略长 , 亦可称之为虎爪瓶 。

Garlic Bottle-One of the common bottle styles in Jingdezhen kilns in Ming and Qing Dynasties, is named after the bronze garlic pot of Han Dynasty, with a long neck, a shoulder cut, a round belly, a round foot and a garlic-like mouth. It is shaped like garlic and has a slightly longer neck. It can also be called a Tiger Claw bottle.


永乐款釉里红缠枝花卉纹玉壶春瓶、乾隆款粉青釉浅浮雕描金双耳蒜头瓶赏析!// //

规格:高34CM , 腹径20CM,底足10CM , 口径4CM

许之衡《饮流斋说瓷》“说瓶罐”载:“蒜头者 , 口似蒜头 , 而体段则近油锤 , 宋制已有之 , 后此尤伙 。 纯色、青花多有之 。 ”蒜头瓶是中国陶瓷十大经典器型之一 , 颇受收藏界关注 。

Xu Zhiheng's "Yin Liu Zhai Shuo Ci" and "Shuo Ping Can" contain: "The garlic heads are like garlic heads in the mouth, while the body segments are close to oil hammers, which were made in the Song Dynasty, and later this is especially true. There are many pure colors and blue and white. " Garlic bottle is one of the top ten classic Chinese ceramic ware types, which has attracted much attention from the collectors.


永乐款釉里红缠枝花卉纹玉壶春瓶、乾隆款粉青釉浅浮雕描金双耳蒜头瓶赏析!// //

规格:高34CM , 腹径20CM,底足10CM , 口径4CM

此件乾隆款粉青釉浅浮雕描金双耳蒜头瓶 , 款识大清乾隆年制篆书款 , 该器品相完整、造型硕大、釉色匀净、青色淡雅、湿润如玉 , 浅浮雕的莲藕莲子枝叶、花纹在釉色里渲染、自由流淌中显露出迷人的风采 , 整器从上到下 , 柳絮纹、双耳莲藕、藕子芯、莲枝、莲叶纹贯穿始终 , 隐隐约约 , 美不胜收 。 釉色的恬静、自然、优雅让人看了赏心悦目 , 神情自若 , 更可贵的是通体辅以描金 , 彰显其奢华富贵之感 。 粉青釉浅浮雕是乾隆时期的一个技艺的创新和突破 , 它以最美的瓷器艺术传承给后人 , 留下了最珍贵的记忆 , 此件藏品亦不可多得 。

This dry-embossed pink-green glaze bas-relief gold-painted garlic bottle with two ears shows the seal script made in the Qing dry-long period. the product is complete, large in shape, even and clean in glaze color, cyan and elegant, and moist like jade. the lotus root and lotus seed branches and leaves and patterns in the bas-relief are rendered in glaze color and show charming elegant demeanour in free flowing. from top to bottom, the whole device has catkin patterns, double ears lotus root, lotus root core, lotus branch and lotus leaf patterns running through all the time, vaguely and beautifully. The tranquil, natural and elegant glaze color makes people look at the feast for the eyes. What is more valuable is that the whole body is complemented by gold tracing, which shows the feeling of luxury and wealth. Powder green glaze bas-relief is an innovation and breakthrough in the art during the Ganlong period. It is passed on to future generations with the most beautiful porcelain art, leaving the most precious memory. This collection is also rare.


永乐款釉里红缠枝花卉纹玉壶春瓶、乾隆款粉青釉浅浮雕描金双耳蒜头瓶赏析!// //

规格:高27CM , 腹径16CM , 口径8.7CM , 底径8.7 CM

玉壶春瓶又称玉壶赏瓶 , 是中国陶瓷器产品造型设计中的一种广泛性器形 。 流行地区广 , 沿用时间长 , 宋以后各代中国各省窑场均有烧制 。 它的产品造型设计是由唐代寺院里的清洁水瓶座演变而成 , 基本型制为撇口、细颈、垂腹、圈足 。

Jade pot spring bottle, also known as jade pot appreciation bottle, is a kind of extensive shape in the design of Chinese ceramic products. It is popular in a wide area and has been used for a long time. After the Song Dynasty, kilns in all provinces of China were fired. Its product design evolved from the clean Aquarius in the temples of the Tang Dynasty. Its basic forms are skimming, thin neck, hanging belly and circling feet.


永乐款釉里红缠枝花卉纹玉壶春瓶、乾隆款粉青釉浅浮雕描金双耳蒜头瓶赏析!// //

规格:高27CM , 腹径16CM , 口径8.7CM , 底径8.7 CM

关于“玉壶春瓶”名字的来源:据传 , 唐代时人们多称酒为“春” , 玉壶指用玉制的壶或是指如玉一般的青瓷壶 。 司空图的《诗品·典雅》中有“玉壶买春 , 赏雨茆屋;座中佳士 , 左右修竹”的句子 。 “玉壶买春”四字在这里的意思是用玉壶去买“酒” 。

As for the origin of the name "jade pot spring bottle", it is said that in Tang dynasty people often called wine "spring". jade pot refers to a pot made of jade or a celadon pot like jade. Si Kongtu's "Poetry and Elegance" includes "Jade Pot Buying Spring, Rain Watching and Cotaining Houses; In the middle of the seat, the best person is to fix bamboo on the left and right. " The word "jade pot to buy sex" here means to buy "wine" with a jade pot.


永乐款釉里红缠枝花卉纹玉壶春瓶、乾隆款粉青釉浅浮雕描金双耳蒜头瓶赏析!// //

规格:高27CM , 腹径16CM , 口径8.7CM , 底径8.7 CM

釉里红以铜红料绘纹饰于釉下 , 经高温一次烧成 。 釉里红瓷器 和 青花瓷 的制作流程基本一致 , 同属釉下彩瓷器 。 釉里红主要原料是铜元素 , 在化成釉里红料以后在胚胎上绘画纹饰 , 最后在表面罩一层 透明釉 , 经高温( 1200度 )还原焰气氛下一次烧成 , 到目前为止也只有铜元素才能在釉下经高温烧制时才能产生红色 , 其他金属元素均不可替代 。

Underglaze red is decorated with copper red material and is fired at a high temperature. The process of making underglaze red porcelain and blue and white porcelain is basically the same, both belong to underglaze color porcelain. The main raw material of underglaze red is copper. After being converted into underglaze red, the embryo is painted with decorative patterns. Finally, the surface is covered with a transparent glaze, which is fired at a high temperature (1200 degrees) in reducing flame atmosphere. Up to now, only copper can produce red when fired at high temperature under the glaze. Other metal elements are irreplaceable.


永乐款釉里红缠枝花卉纹玉壶春瓶、乾隆款粉青釉浅浮雕描金双耳蒜头瓶赏析!// //

规格:高27CM , 腹径16CM , 口径8.7CM , 底径8.7 CM

釉里红的最大特点是烧制难度大 , 成品率极低 。 它是以铜为着色剂 , 在白胎上直接绘制各种图案纹饰 , 在上面施一层釉 , 铜在高温还原焰中发出了红色 , 所以名叫“釉里红” 。

釉里红瓷创烧于元代 , 但数量极少 , 可谓凤毛麟角 。 原因是铜离子对温度极为敏感 , 在窑炉中火候不到 , 呈现黑红色或灰红色;火候销过铜离子便挥发 , 从釉层中逸出 , 呈现特有的飞红现象或干脆退色 , 纹饰不连贯 。 当时烧柴窑很难控制窑温 , 只有凭把桩师父的经验与取出火照对比 , 无法大规模生产 。 而且元人尚白 , 汉人尚红 , 民族认同感也有别 , 所以釉里红产量一直很小 。

然而到了明洪武朝 , 釉里红瓷却得到了极大的发展 , 从实物遗存量上比较 , 甚至比青花瓷还多 。 洪武早期的制品多呈黑红 , 不够鲜艳 , 甚至有些烧成了“釉里黑”也未被打碎埋掉 。 即便如此 , 此类品种贯穿洪武朝始终 , 坚持不懈 。 中、晚期多呈较纯正红色 。 风格古朴、厚重 , 器型硕大 , 纹饰丰满 , 气势夺人 。 充分展示了明朝开国之君的胸怀与气度 。

The biggest characteristic of underglaze red is the difficulty of firing and the extremely low rate of finished products. It uses copper as coloring agent, directly draws various patterns on the white tire, and applies a layer of glaze on it. Copper emits red in high-temperature reducing flame, so it is called "underglaze red".

Underglaze red porcelain was created and burned in Yuan Dynasty, but its quantity is very small, which is rare. The reason is that copper ions are extremely sensitive to temperature and cannot be heated in the kiln, showing dark red or grayish red. The copper ions volatilized when the temperature was fixed, and escaped from the glaze layer, showing a peculiar phenomenon of fast red or fading altogether, with incoherent decoration. At that time, it was very difficult to control the temperature of the wood burning kiln. only by comparing master zhuan's experience with taking out the fire photos could mass production be impossible. Moreover, Yuan people are still white, Han people are still red, and their national identity is also different, so the output of underglaze red has been very small.

However, in the Hongwu Dynasty of the Ming Dynasty, underglaze red porcelain was greatly developed, even more than blue and white porcelain in terms of the amount of physical remains. Most of Hongwu's early products were black and red, not bright enough, and even some burned "black in glaze" were not broken and buried. Even so, this kind of variety runs through the Hongwu Dynasty and perseveres. Most of them were pure red in the middle and late stages. The style is simple and unsophisticated, thick, large in shape, rich in ornamentation, and imposing. It fully demonstrated the mind and tolerance of the founding monarch of the Ming Dynasty.


永乐款釉里红缠枝花卉纹玉壶春瓶、乾隆款粉青釉浅浮雕描金双耳蒜头瓶赏析!// //

规格:高27CM , 腹径16CM , 口径8.7CM , 底径8.7 CM

此件永乐年制青花款釉里红缠枝花卉纹玉壶春瓶 , 器身整体修长纤细 , 喇叭口外撇 , 颈部细 , 腹身垂鼓 , 圈足 , 外撇 , 体线犹如2个对称的“S”形 , 典雅优美 。 口沿内侧 , 在二根弦纹中绘缠枝纹 , 器身饰花卉纹为主题元素纹样图案 , 纹样图案条理清晰 , 笔画齐整细腻 , 釉里红发色艳雅 , 品相完好 , 古香古色 , 线条柔和而圆润 , 给人一种质朴和庄重之感 , 具有较高的收藏价值 , 欢迎四海爱家欣赏咨询 。

This Yongle blue-and-white underglaze red flower pattern jade pot spring bottle has a slender and slender body, a flared bell, a thin neck, a bulging belly, a rounded foot and a curled outside. The body line is like two symmetrical "S" shapes, elegant and graceful. On the inner side of the mouth, two string patterns are painted with twining branches, and the body is decorated with flower patterns as the theme element. The patterns are clear in structure, neat and delicate in strokes, bright and elegant in underglaze red color, perfect in appearance, antique in style, soft and mellow in lines, giving people a sense of simplicity and solemnity. They have high collection value and are welcomed by lovers from all over the world to appreciate and consult.